Be Mindful Of Your Mental Health

I don’t know about you but with more restrictions coming into play in the city I live in due to the pandemic we are living through, the more restricted I feel (literally). As someone who struggles with mental health and even more so during the winter months, I have decided to be more active in my approach to creating a positive mindset, which yes I know can be hard some days. However… I have just the tool for you, with the LSW Mind Cards it’s easier than ever to push through the fog and into the more positive way of thinking for the day ahead. They are AMAZING!

With just a few simple steps to follow you can make the right changes to your daily mental health with these helpful little cards. They are designed to help you become more mindful of your thoughts and feelings and give you the tools you need to take back control of your happiness, aiding you to focus on the present and spread positivity throughout your daily life. Sounds good right?!

How: Each day choose a card from the deck at random and follow the action stated on the card. Establish the habit of making positive choices each day, this will help you lead a more fulfilling and happier life on the daily!

What: 45 individually designed cards split across 5 categories.

Card categories:
Kindness - Random acts of kindness not only help to boost your mood but can also make the recipients' day. Each Kindness card has a different action you can easily take to offer kindness towards the outside world.

Ritual - Building rituals into your daily life can be incredibly beneficial to your wellbeing. They can help you to slow down and connect with your actions in the fast paced world we live in. Each Ritual card has a different short activity which can be turned into a ritual that can be incorporated into your daily routine.

Gratitude - Make time to stop and appreciate what makes you happy. Gratitude cards will remind you to look out for the little things daily in order to create greater overall happiness. Each card has a different gratitude exercise to action daily.

Journal - Journalling is an incredibly powerful way to reflect on how you are living and what you could be doing differently to be more fulfilled. The Journal cards offer a number of questions to help you dig deep and figure out what changes you might need to make, if any. When the same card is selected a second time, think about whether you can answer the question in the same way or what might have changed in your life that affects a new answer.

Reflection - Take 10 minutes of your day to reflect on the quote of your chosen card. Focus on how it applies to your life in the present and how you can use the meaning behind the words to better yourself and your life. When the same card is selected a second time, reflect on any changes you might have in your response dependent on where you are in the present moment.

This life changing deck of cards is £9.99 and you can get your hands on a copy of the LSW Mind Cards here.

I have noticed a change in my behaviour since using the cards daily to challenge me and motivate me to think better and bigger about the life I lead and how I carry my thoughts about certain struggles in my life. I really would urge you to try these out, they’re just so uplifting and helpful. Do let me know if you try them, would love to hear what you think.

With love,

Alex x