Exploring my City of London with EMU Australia


EMU Australia have been a fav footwear brand of mine for some time now. EMU Australia is an Australian brand that designs, produces and markets footwear and accessories. They are best known for their sheepskin and Merino wool booties and slippers! But I am here to tell you all about EMU’s Ellin Rain Boots, the cutest rain boots you ever did see!

Ankle length booties perfect to style with both trousers and skirts. They come in a variety of colours, from teal to silver (for the colour lovers) and of course a classic black and navy. The waterproof technology is just perfect for meandering the City of London on a wet and dreary day! I opted for the teal coloured boots to add a pop of colour, not only to my whole outfit but to the grey autumn/winter days. The Ellin Rain Boots are lined with genuine Australian Merino wool to keep your tootsies toasty on adventures across the city. The sole also comes with a grip to prevent any slipping and sliding over (because that’s always embarrassing isn’t it). There is nothing worse for me than walking around town with soggy toes and I can honestly say my feet stayed warm and dry the whole time I was in them in the rain!

Being the sun baby I am, it’s important for me that during the wet winter months I have something by my side to help me through it and that’s the Ellin Rain Boots, game changing shoes for the season! Prepare to see my teal coloured feet until summer 2020 (not even joking here).

When London gives you puddles, give London Emu Australia. I spent a full day wandering around in these, and they kept my feet warm and dry which makes me a happy bunny indeed!

Happy exploring, where ever in the world you might be.

Alex x