Let’s talk about “Social Media Fatigue”

Ok, let’s talk honestly about social media and how it is making us feel… Can anyone else relate to the title of this post? I know I can and more so than ever. Social media fatigue… wow what a line to drop on a blog site and yes I am sure some of you reading this will think I am crazy to even think that this is a thing but hey, guess what? IT IS!! And it’s a pretty huge thing, a thing a lot of us seem to be suffering from.

So what is “social media fatigue“ I hear you ask… Well, it’s what it says on the tin, a feeling of mental exhaustion, boredom and lack of energy to use social media apps and maintain the social media channels we have, use or even run our businesses from. Social media fatigue can cause it’s users to pull back and disconnect from social media because of the way it is making users feel.

Maybe it is due to being in the third lockdown here in the UK that is causing this feeling to arise because some days I can’t even open Instagram, I just have this feeling when I go to open it like a voice that just shouts “URGH NOT THIS AGAIN”. Does anyone relate here? Some might think this is a bit of an issue, especially if like me and it provides an income but it’s not a surprise that people are starting to experience technology, information and communication overload from social media apps, this includes Zoom by the way. We have been living through a pandemic where technology is in use in our homes more frequently than before and without knowing we are burdening ourselves with the constant use of apps and other tech leading to the exhaustion… the social media fatigue.

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Not only is it the time used on apps, in front of the TV or at our laptops that leads to this feeling but also what we are consuming whilst doing so, for example news reports, what the latest Prada bag looks like, the rise and fall in bitcoin, how many ways to style an orange scarf, when will we be able to go on holiday…all of these things and more are being processed over and over in our brains and ultimately is is tiring us out. You may not even realise you feel this way towards social media, maybe you put it down to a “love hate” relationship with it, but actually if you feel the way I have described when using tech too then maybe you’re suffering from as-well.

Since discovering this I have noticed more and more people taking time off social media, a social media detox as it’s been named, something I have tried for short periods of time and love every moment of. To combat the social media fatigue I have decided to change the way I use social media, I have stopped using it every day, it might sound insignificant to you but to me not posting a picture every day is a massive relief and helps in aiding this feeling of exhaustion. Another thing I have found that helps is to go on an unfollow spree and unfollow all the accounts that don’t inspire me, this has changed the way scrolling looks for me, making it more fun and enjoyable when I do go online. I highly recommend you try it if you haven’t, let’s be honest who wants to see the same picture of a croissant fifteen times… I know I don’t.

It doesn’t need to be all doom and gloom though, there are ways to regain your social energy:

  • Unfollow accounts that don’t serve you, accounts that don’t give you good vibes have to go

  • Time management, mange the time you spend looking at a screen

  • Schedule, setting yourself a schedule, office hours can help with this

  • Less is more, you do not need to post 3 times a day to beat the algorithm, post what you want, when you want

  • Don’t compare, social media is a tiny glimpse into someone's reality and never the full story

  • Step away, be sure to give yourself time away from all technology and screens, pick up a book, take a bath, do some colouring or bake a cake

  • Enjoy, if you at any point don’t enjoy certain social media apps, take a break

These are just a few things I have started to implement into my life to help with the feeling of social media fatigue, it’s starting to ease, slowly but surely but I can feel myself enjoying it again and you will too, just take your time and trust me when I say this, you won’t miss a thing…

Take care of YOU,

Alex x